Exercise and physical activity: I have a few more thoughts about the subdivisions of physical activity, stimulated by an article in the International Journal of Cardiovascular Health - and with a title like that you have to pay attention. Their suggestion is...


This Blog is all about exercise and physical activity – what it is, what it does to you, how is it measured and most of all what benefits it brings you. This is not a Blog about particular types of exercise. You will not learn about different exercise regimes, what...


There is section of this website about my upcoming book. Since it has been upcoming for the nearly two years which I have been writing the blog you might just wonder when this book is actually arriving. Well it is a long story. Before going further can I encourage you...

More Complications of Exercise.

Musculo-skeletal injuries. Muscle sprains and joint strains are the commonest ill-effects of exercise, particularly competitive sports. Activity versus inactivity Physically active adults experience a higher incidence of leisure-time and sport related injuries than...

Complications of exercise - the heart.

Before launching into my usual stuff about exercise, my apologies to those of you who had a problem accessing last week’s blog. Some recipients of the weekly information found that when they clicked on the link they were taken to the previous week’s blog....