Frailty & Care of the Elderly

Frailty & Care of the Elderly

I have now sent you five blogs expressing the view that frailty is not inevitable - it is preventable. If everyone was more physically active the prevalence of frailty would fall and over time the number of frail elderly would progressively decrease -...

Frailty Part 5

I thought that I might have exhausted this topic with four blogs on the subject - but i have touched on one aspect which needs a bit more attention. The provision of care for those who need it The Association of Directors of Adult Social Services (ADASS) has...

Frailty Part 4

We have discussed the nature and consequences of frailty plus the role of exercise (essential!) in the prevention of frailty. What about treatment of this debilitating condition Exercise in the treatment of frailty Although some improvements in function may result...


Lifespan is the duration of our days on this earth. To my mind it is much less important than Healthspan - the duration of our healthy life when we can be active, free of troublesome or disabling symptoms and fully able to look after ourselves and enjoy doing...


The consequences of frailty The social and financial consequences of frailty are enormous and growing. When frail people become ill they have a higher risk of dying, becoming ill or disabled, or having to be taken into care, than the non-frail and if discharged from...


‘We do not stop exercising because we grow old – we grow old because we stop exercising.’ Kenneth Cooper, pioneer of aerobic exercise Frailty Frailty in old age is a huge and growing problem, and the role of exercise in the prevention and treatment of frailty is one...