Complications of exercise Part 4

This is the last blog in this series of about the problems which can result from exercise - but I emphasise that the side effects of exercise are much less serious than the side effects of not taking exercise. Stress fractures These are small cracks in the bone,...

Complications of exercise Part 3

Musculoskeletal injuries - with moderate activity Physically very active adults (not necessarily older adults) tend to experience a higher incidence of leisure-time and sport-related injuries than their less active counterparts. However, healthy adults who meet...

Complications of exercise Part 2

Last week I talked about the risk of sudden death during exercise. Though well known, this is an extremely rare complication of exercise - it is far more common in non-exercisers than in exercisers. Exercise is very safe. Indeed it is much safer to be an...

Complications of exercise Part 1

Complications of Exercise ‘The only exercise I take is acting as pall-bearer to my friends who have indulged in strenuous exercise!’ Mark Twain Despite Mark Twain’s jaundiced view, exercise is extremely safe. Even strenuous and prolonged exercise rarely produces...

More Complications of Exercise.

Musculo-skeletal injuries. Muscle sprains and joint strains are the commonest ill-effects of exercise, particularly competitive sports. Activity versus inactivity Physically active adults experience a higher incidence of leisure-time and sport related injuries than...


I try to make these blogs topical, mostly reporting the results of recent investigations, trials or reports. Sometimes I am influenced by news stories which can highlight subjects of topical interest. Thus it is this week. There has been a rash of reports of sporting...