Treating dyslipidaemia

The medical ill effects of dyslipidaemia The main ill effect of dyslipidaemia is the promotion of atheroma - so-called hardening of the arteries. A high total cholesterol, a high ratio of total cholesterol to HDL cholesterol and raised triglyceride levels are...

Abnormal blood fat levels - dyslipidaemia

Dyslipidaemia means undesirable changes in your blood fats. This is a complicated field and what follows is a simplification. Cholesterol A raised blood cholesterol is the best known form of dyslipidaemia.. Cholesterol is an important component of cell walls – we all...


The Coronary Arteries The heart, though full of blood, still needs its own arteries to supply nourishment and oxygen to the heart muscle.These are the coronary arteries. They arise from the root of the aorta, the body’s main artery, and wind round the surface of...


What on Earth is that? Well, it is a rather important cluster of some of the conditions which I have described previous blogs - and will do in future blogs. This combination of conditions, known as metabolic syndrome, make you prone to arterial problems,...


Please forgive me for giving you such a dreadful word – it means undesirable changes in your blood fats. This is a complicated field and I am going to greatly oversimplify it. Please don’t quote any of this back to a lipid specialist or, if you do, say you found it in...