Happy New Year and a guest blog

Happy New Year and a guest blog

New Year Resolutions What are the most popular New Year resolutions? Well here they are: Exercise more Lose weight Get organized Learn a new skill or hobby Live life to the fullest Save more money / spend less money Quit smoking Spend more time with family and friends...

Planning your weight loss strategy

Christmas is coming with the probability that we will gain a little (?) weight over the festive season. This might be mitigated by some pre-Christmas prophylaxis. A touch of weight loss now will allow us a bit more dietary freedom on the 25th. I have written before on...


Cancers form a very large group of conditions which are extremely common causes of disease, disability, suffering and death. Nearly 40% of people will be diagnosed with one or another type of cancer in their lifetime and cancer causes nearly 30% of all deaths in the...

Diabetes Part 2

Illustration This week’s illustration is a histogram showing the effect of different degrees of weight loss on the remission of T2DM. This is referred to in the section on Exercise in the treatment of diabetes and I have indicated it with *** Exercise in the...

Diabetes Part 1

T2DM Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is what we are talking about. Type 1 DM is something else, although it is also a risk factor for all the other diseases which T2DM fosters (mainly heart disease, blindness, kidney failure, nerve damage and susceptibility to...