The Times they are a-changing

  Dear Reader Thank you very much for following my Blog for so long. This week I bring you news of a change in how it will work in the future. Up to now the publication of the Blog has been on a wordpress site . When the...

Day off

Hello all and welcome to 2023. This week, as a special New Year treat for you, there is no blog. I am having a break! This year the blog is going to change and become an educational tool on behalf of the Alton Cardiac Rehabilitation Centre. I hope that the content...
An overview of exercise

An overview of exercise

Over the past three and half years I have written nearly 200 of these blogs. I have tried to take you through a description of what exercise does, how it works, what it does for us, its effects on a large variety of diseases, both for prevention and treatment, how it...

Diabetes Part 2

Illustration This week’s illustration is a histogram showing the effect of different degrees of weight loss on the remission of T2DM. This is referred to in the section on Exercise in the treatment of diabetes and I have indicated it with *** Exercise in the...

Treating dyslipidaemia

The medical ill effects of dyslipidaemia The main ill effect of dyslipidaemia is the promotion of atheroma - so-called hardening of the arteries. A high total cholesterol, a high ratio of total cholesterol to HDL cholesterol and raised triglyceride levels are...