Peripheral Vascular Disease

‘Used to be rock around the clock, now it’s limp about the block.’ Anon. Peripheral vascular disease Atheroma (‘hardening of the arteries’) can involve any part of the vascular tree. Arterial disease of the legs is called peripheral vascular disease (PVD). The main...


The place of golf in helping maintain physical activity and good health is a somewhat underestimated and unsung field. A couple of recent publications have helped to fill this neglected space. I liked the po-faced definition in a paper on “the relationships...
Measuring Your Own Fitness

Measuring Your Own Fitness

Measuring your own fitness There are a number of benefits from being able to measure your own fitness: It can give you an idea of how fit – or unfit – you are in comparison with others of your own sex and age. You should be concerned if you find that you are average...
Energy expenditure, health and fitness

Energy expenditure, health and fitness

Another recap Total exercise dose can be calculated as MET minutes1 or MET hours. And one MET, or metabolic equivalent, is the rate at which energy is used by the body at rest. It is expressed in relation to body weight and is taken as 3.5ml of oxygen per minute per...